Bernard O'Rourke, longtime Captain of BPD District A-1 moving to headquarters, shown at a previ¬ous Nazzaro Center Public Safety Meeting
Bernard O’Rourke, longtime Boston Police Captain of District A-1 including the North End, has been promoted to BPD headquarters as Assistant Chief to Superintendent William Evans, in charge of all 2,400 uniformed officers throughout all 11 city districts. Bernie O’Rourke has about 35 years with the Boston Police, 18 years in District A-1 and 13 years serving as its Captain.
At this week’s North End Public Safety Meeting, Sgt. Thomas Lema announced the news to neighborhood residents which is effective immediately. District A-1 includes most of Downtown Boston, including the North End / Waterfront, and Charlestown.
Captain Thomas Lee has been assigned to District A-1 starting this week. He was Deputy Superintendent of the Mobile Operations and an expert on Homeland Security, according to Sgt. Lema at the meeting.
Captain Lee is expected to attend the April 5, 2012 North End Public Safety meeting (6:30 pm, Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet St.). Residents and business owners are encouraged to attend.