It was a turbulent and tumultuous year in some parts of the world.
In this nation, it was, above all, a year when we got more of the same rather than the dramatic change needed to alter our course.
The economy improved just a bit but millions remain unemployed, businesses refuse to hire new employees, banks would rather charge fees for returned checks and services rather than to lend money to working people.
In the larger scheme of things, the rich got richer. The poor got poorer. The national debt continued to explode and in Washington, the politicians played a stale, boring, one-dimensional game of name calling and partisan politics.
Not very much changed about our lives in these respects in 2011.
But at least those of us reading this editorial are here. We remain part of the grander game called our lives.
The real drama occurred in nations around the world and mainly many of those in the Middle East. In a half dozen major nation’s in that volatile, oil rich, poverty stricken sandswept stretch of the desert, revolutions spread like wild fires. Governments toppled. Leadership changed. Thousands died and were wounded in their quest for personal freedom from oppressive rulers and broken down political and governmental political systems.
Here, we complained about the inertia in Washington while In Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Libya, Bahrain and now in Syria, the eternal struggle for freedom ensued in the traditionally repressive and dictator ridded Middle East.
While America procrastinated and failed to move forward with sound domestic policies in Washington, others around the world protested and died for what they stood for.
Here in Boston and throughout our great state, we enjoyed more prosperity than most places in the nation. We are surviving the inertia and the meaninglessness of the one dimensional debates going on among people who ought to know better in Washington.
Here, we have Governor Deval Patrick and Mayor Thomas Menino to show what leadership is all about. They do their thing with a flair for what is clearly right.
We are not sure exactly what 2011 will be remembered for. It was, after all, one of those years that was rather more innocuous than trend setting; more of the same rather than revolutionary; a kind of grinding it out year that doesn’t easily separate itself from all the others past.
With 2011 nearly done, we welcome 2012. Most of us hope and some of us pray for another year in this vexing often frustrating thing we call our existence on this earth.
What is important in 2012 is that we remain loyal to our families and to our state and to our nation and to our churches. But most of all, we must remain steadfast in our belief that life is worth living, that we are owed nothing, that what we do for ourselves on this earth will be the record of our success or failure in 2012.
Enjoy the holiday. Let’s work hard for a great New Year.
Happy New Year.