Tomorrow night’s North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council monthly meeting (Oct. 12) agenda includes a presentation by Boston Water and Sewer Commission on an upcoming project in the neighborhood.
The community meeting will also contain three voting items.
Hanover Street Nominee Trust has filed applications with the City of Boston Board of Appeal seeking to subdivide two pieces of property at 230-132 and 234-238 Hanover Street in order to separate ownership.
Frank DePasquale has filed an application with the City of Boston Board of Appeal requesting a “Take-Out” license to add to the existing full service license at Bricco Restaurant, 241 Hanover Street.
Anthony Massari is applying to the Licensing Board for the City of Boston to obtain a Common Victualler (CV) license for Boston Common Coffee Company, 97 Salem Street.
Several committee reports will also be presented by NEWNC members.
Ryan Kenny will present an update from the Resident Parking/Traffic Committee.
A Public Safety Committee report will be given by David Marx.
Bylaws Committee report will be presented by Ryan Kenny.
NEWNC President Donna Freni will report on the Greenway Committee.
Also scheduled are reports from City Hall and reports from the offices of local elected officials.
Boston Water and Sewer Commission will provide information on its upcoming project that entails the cleaning, televising and repairs of all sewer and drain lines on Salem Street and possibly two other North End streets.
The project could take up to 12 weeks depending on weather conditions and some street rerouting will take place.
Once the daily work has been completed (7am to 4pm or 8am to 5pm) the streets will be open for resident parking. During the project residents will be asked not to flush toilets.
Open discussion/comments will take place at the end of the community meeting.
President Freni encourages all residents to attend the neighborhood meeting to express their opinion on all agenda items.