-By Phil Orlandella
Three agenda voting items will be discussed at the North End/Waterfront Residents’ Association monthly meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 10 at 7pm in the Nazzaro Community Center, 30 North Bennet Street.
A special presentation will be made by Davis Grant on a new project to be undertaken by NEWRA Clean Streets Committee which will meet on Thursday, March 15 also at 7pm in the Nazzaro Community Center.
Nasser Buisier has filed an appeal with the City of Boston Board of Appeal seeking zoning relief to enclose two existing outdoor patios to create additional living space at 357 Commercial Street, Lincoln Wharf, Units 712 and 713.
John Hauck has applied to the Licensing Board for the City of Boston to extend the closing hour in the existing All-Alcohol Beverage License at The Living Room, 101-107 Atlantic Avenue from 1am to 2am on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays only, and for Private Events.
In addition, Hauck has applied to the Mayor’s Office of Consumer Affairs and Licensing to modify the business’ live entertainment license to allow a disc jockey for public clientele on Thursday, Friday and Saturday night until 1am. The business existing entertainment license allows automated recorded music for public clientele until 1am and a disc jockey for Private Events only.
NEWRA will also be accepting membership fees for new and current members, fee $10.
Other NEWRA scheduled meetings
Tues. March 15 at 7pm-Clean Streets Committee, Nazzaro Community Center.
Tues. March 29 at 7pm-Zoning, Licensing and Construction, location to be determined.
Thurs. March 31 at 7pm-Executive Committee, location to be determined.
Tues. April 5 at 7pm-Parks and Open Space Committee, Nazzaro Community Center.
Thurs. April 14 at 7pm-NEWRA monthly meeting, Nazzaro Community Center.